What is Digital Signature?
A Digital Signature is an electronic, encrypted, sign of authentication on Digital information such as email messages, macros, or electronic documents. A signature shows that the information originated from the signer and has not been altered.
Why do you need Digital Signature Certificate (DSC)?
Signing certificate to create a digital signature, you need a signing certificate, which proves identity. When you send a digitally-signed macro or document, you also send your certificate and public key.
Calculation of tax liability
The return form shows any tax payable, should be deposited and the challan details are entered in the return form.
Submit the income tax return
ITR filled should be duly signed and sent by ordinary post or speed post to 'Income Tax Department
Our Packages
Document Information
Documents Required For Import Export Code IEC
Documents Required for without encryption
Documents Required for with encryption
Documents Required for foreigner