
Enhance your platform with full-service Bookkeeping Financial insights

Transform your business with Cloud Inc. flexible embedded product options that are fit for any platform. Plus, set up is easy--we'll have you up and running in as little as a few days.


We're experts at what we do

$95 billion+

Transactions reconciled

1 million+

Months of completed books


Small business clients served

The benefits of embedded bookkeeping

Start generating new revenue in just a few days, while giving your customers the expert bookkeeping experience their business deserves.


Stay ahead of the curve

Become a one-stop shop for your customers by offering a bookkeeping solution with customizable branding that looks and feels like your own platform. By giving your customers a contextual experience, your product's stickiness and engagement are increased.


Add value for your customers

Increase customer loyalty and reduce churn by providing real-time financial insights, bookkeeping, and income tax prep done by experts. A holistic understanding of their business performance enables them to make smarter decisions and scale efficiently.


Increase your revenue

Increase customer loyalty and reduce churn by providing real-time financial insights, bookkeeping, and income tax prep done by experts. A holistic understanding of their business performance enables them to make smarter decisions and scale efficiently.


Get started in days

RESTful APIs built on a serverless architecture make it simple to get started. Access to our partner sandbox environment gives you the confidence to build, test, and launch the embedded product that's right for you. And you won't be alone—our dedicated team is committed to your success, supporting you every step of the way.

Explore your options

We're ready when you are, and we're flexible too. With our embedded products, you can offer your customers the type of integration that works best for your business—and continue to grow from there.


Embedded signup

On the fence? Try us for free! We'll do a month of bookkeeping so you can try our services risk-free. Pricing starts at $299/month.

  • Give your customers the ability to sign up for Cloud Inc. expert financial solution directly from your platform.
  • Start generating new revenue quickly.
  • With the Account Creation API, be up and running in just a few days—while giving your customers access to Cloud Inc. real-time financial insights from your platform within minutes of signup.

Embedded insights

  • Bring powerful financial insights to your customers directly inside your platform, enabling them to make the right decisions for their business.
  • Our Financial Reports API will allow you to build your own powerful financial dashboard inside your platform.
  • Add value for your customers by allowing them to view their data across all financial accounts, when and where they want.

Embedded bookkeeping

  • Supercharge your platform with an embedded product that gives customers access to real-time financial insights, monthly bookkeeping, and an annual tax-ready financial package.
  • Our white-labeled UI allows you to offer bookkeeping and tax-ready financials as an extension of your own brand—while we look after the rest with dedicated bookkeepers, sales, and support.

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Get started with embedded bookkeeping

See how we can support you and your customers today.


We take privacy and data security seriously

Cloud Inc. undergoes annual SOC 2 and SOC 3 examinations of our security controls against the AICPA-defined standards. Auditing is conducted by a third-party audit firm to assure the security of our platform and its supporting infrastructure.

View our privacy policy for more in-depth information about how we handle our clients' data and security practices for how we protect it.
