Shops and Establishments Act
The Shop and Establishment Act has been enacted by various State Governments to regulate the conditions of work of employees in shops, commercial undertakings, restaurants, etc., All commercial establishments must abide by The Weekly Holiday Act, 1942 enacted by the Central Government which governs the grant of holidays. However, there is no specific Central Government Act which comprehensively governs hours of work, payment of wages, health and safety in commercial establishments. To bridge this gap, state Governments have enacted a Shop and Establishment Act to help regulate the conduct of commercial establishments within their jurisdiction. To know more, read the article on “Shops and Establishment Act in India”.
Delhi Shops and Establishments Act
The The Delhi Shops and Establishments Act, applied to all shops, establishments and commercial establishments operating within the State of Delhi.
The Delhi Shops and Establishments Act defines a “shop” as:
“”shop” means any premises where goods are sold either by retail or wholesale or where services are rendered to customers and includes an office, a store-room, godown, warehouse or workhouse or workplace, whether in the same premises or otherwise, used in or in connection with such trade or business but does not include a factory or a commercial establishment.”
Document Information
Documents for Shop & Establishment
1.) The name of the employer and the manager, if any;
3.) The name, if any, of the establishment,
5.) The number of employees working about the business of the establishment;
2.) The postal address of the establishment;
4.) The category of the establishment, i.e., whether it is a shop, commercial establishment, residential hotel, restaurant, eating house, theatre or other places of public amusement or entertainment;