Register Your Private Limited Company Easily with a Simple and Transparent Process.
Register NowIncorporation / Registration Costs
Cloud Incorporation Fee : ₹ 1999/-
DIN : ₹ 0/-
DSC : ₹ 0/-
Govt Fee : ₹ 0/-
Stamp duty : ₹ 0-/-
Taxes : ₹ 0/-
Why Choose a Private Limited Company?
Reasons to Choose a Private Limited Company: Benefits Include Legal Entity Status, Separate Finances, and Limited Liability Protection. A Private Limited Company is a distinct legal entity, separating company finances from personal finances, and offers protection from personal liability for the company's debts and obligations.
One advantage of owning a private limited company is that shareholders' financial liability is limited to their shares. This means that if the company faces financial difficulties and needs to close, shareholders are protected and will not risk losing their personal assets.
Disadvantages of owning a private limited company include limited share liquidity, as shares cannot be sold on a public stock exchange. This restriction can impact the ability to raise capital and limit liquidity for shareholders. Additionally, the company may face growth challenges due to restrictions on the number of shareholders and directors, which can affect its potential for expansion.
Documents Required for Private Limited Company Registration in India