Drafting and filing a response to objections raised by the Trademark Examiner. Special pricing available for trademark applications filed through IndiaFilings.
Apply NowTrademark Objection
After a trademark application is submitted, a Trademark Examiner reviews it and conducts a search for existing trademarks that are identical or similar to the one in question. The results of this examination are compiled into a trademark examination report.
Use of an Incorrect Trademark Form
If a trademark application is submitted using the incorrect form, the Trademark Examiner may raise the following objection:
The application is made on Form TM-1, which is intended for certification marks in respect of goods or services within a class. The application should be corrected to Form TM-4. Please file a request using Form TM-16 to make this correction.
Corrective Action: To address this objection, the applicant should file a request for correction using Form TM-16.
Incorrect Trademark Applicant Name
The trademark applicant's name must be correctly entered in the application. If the name is incorrect, the Trademark Examiner may raise the following objection:
The application appears to be filed under the name of a partnership firm. The names of all partners should be recorded by filing a request using Form TM-16.
Corrective Action:To resolve this objection, the applicant should file a request for correction using Form TM-16.
Our Packages
Exclusive Government Fees
Starting at
GST will be charged at 18%
Objection Reply
Inclusive Government Fees
Starting at
GST will be charged at 18%
Opposition Reply
Inclusive Government Fees
Starting at
GST will be charged at 18%
Trademark Hearing
Document Information
Documents for Trademark Objection